Touchwood Farm


About Touchwood Farm

Touchwood Goat Dairy is the most southern dairy in Australia and is home to Tasmania's first LaMancha dairy goat herd. 

Their goat milk soaps and lotions  are all made from the milk from their herd of happy goats. They also have goat milk icecream and cajeta, which is a delicious caramel sauce.

Ethically Managed

The Touchwood goat herd is a family. Mothers raise their own kids, never stressed by over production and get to retire on the farm. This is, in their opinion, the only way forward for dairy farms as it shares the burden between humans and livestock equally and sustainably, to feed our people and look after the Earth, for the future.

Earth-Kind Farming

Using permaculture principle, the goats selectively browse over 30 acres in the far southern wilderness of Tasmania. With mother nature at the helm, doing work to sustain her and all her children, human, goat, wallaby, possum, wren, and worm-kind. 

Tasmanian Hand Crafted

With milk from our happy goats, pure local ingredients and everything is handmade on the farm. Their products are a unique Tasmanian luxury and are made in small controlled batches and sold directly to the public, keeping the money local in the local community.

The farm is located at 7777 Huon Highway, Strathblane