

Below is a list of our artisans, designers and producers who will be at Salamanca Market on Saturday 11 January 2025.

This list is updated every Friday, prior to Saturday's market. It is correct at the time of publishing, but is subject to change.

If you need help locating a specific stall on the day, please ask a volunteer or crew member.

Please note: to view the complete list, please turn your device to landscape.

Download the market map(PDF, 195KB)

A-H Site # H-R Site # R-Z Site #
4 Oneness 132 House of Fudge 75 Redbunnysays 307
7K Distillery 232 Hue Yang 324 Richmond Botanicals Co 98
A Moment of Tea 109 Ilona Jacobson 139 Richmond Cherries 315
A Sock or Two 160 In 2 Wood 25 Rivryan Taste 234
Abels Bay Art 111 Interesting Insects 239 Robot Party 4
Aeroplane Records 226 Island Moon Pewter Design 136 Rockwall @ the Markets Plaza 3
Alice Hansen - Tailored Tasmania 44 Island Pop 127 Rose Muirhead 61
All Tasmanian Gemstones & Minerals 22 Ivy Lane Espresso 101 Roslyn 1823 172
Alpaca South 20 Jacko's Woodturning 309 RSPCA 319
Amanda Jammm 65 James Boyce Books 13 Ruth Waterhouse Jewellery 96
Amanda Parsons 228 Jane Byrne Ceramics Art and Jewellery 118 Salamanca Bazaar 191
Amanda's Bric-a-Brac 46 Janice Britton 86 Salamanca Clothing 205
Amble South 278 Jemma Clements Handmade Glass 301 Salamanca Coffee & Donuts 211
Annabelle Arnott 131 Jenna Builds 5 Salamanca Fruit Leathers 164
Annette’s Design 121 Jessica Sarah Design 2 Salamanca Images 163
Antiques and Vintage 257 JM Bronze Art 53 Salamanca Kebab Plaza 6
Apostl 192 Joanna's Jams 141 Salamanca Souvenirs and Aromatics 107
Art Viva 298 Jodie Goggins 31 Salamanca Tasmanian Honey 15
Artesia Pewter 88 Johan Snyders and Willemien Snyders 268 Salamanca Woodcrafts 201
Artezania 105 John Martin Pottery 235 Salamanca Yum Cha 14
Artfelt by Lidiya 237 Just Pretty 198 Sarah's in Stitches 100
Artisan Leather 165 Kari Cahill Studio 8 Scissor 184
Ashbolt Elderflower 117 Kay Gray Jewellery 305 Sea Soul Studio 153
Bandicoot Books 32 Keshet Design 129 Sea Urchin Design 299
Barnyard Buddha Boy 63 K'Kaisaran 231 Seafood Grill 47
Basically Beads 162 Knew Clothing Co & Och Aye 56 Seed - Stoney Banks Cottage 216
Beauty and the Bees 190 Kray Kray 189 Seoul Sista 151
Belly to Babe 199 Kyries Tasmanian Timber Products 48 Shades of Salamanca 166
Benni Marine Designs 306 Lady Hester 261 Sideline Timber 173
Best Wurst Pty Ltd 52 Lauren Clarke 87 Sidewalk Cafe 120
Blackbrush Natural Wool 308 Leatherwood Grove 304 Silver Hill Fisch 113
Blackheart Tasmania 71 Leewood Woodcraft 26 Simone and Co Design 229
BluePlanet 316 Leslie Vale Nursery 72 Small Shop 38
Bosa Art Co 6 Let's Be Frank 284 Smallest Pancakes in Town 223
Boutique de Cashmere 214/215 Lewis Stadler Art 12 Smiths Pies 222
Boxhead 203 Lilliput Mountain 23 Smitten Merino 209
Bronze Australia 55 Lisa Wise Ceramics 200 Songbird Collection 7
By Juju Embroidery 156 Little Armoire 195 Southern Flowers 125
Canopy Ice Cream 183 Little Lissa Loo 29 Spice Lotus 68/69
Cantina Latina 49 Lokmanca 161 Spoon Savvy 227
Captain Bligh’s Brewery and Distillery 246 Look n Book 300 Spring Bay Distillery 134
Carl Bjorklund 275 Luke Richmond 245 Stand By Me Espresso 157
Casato Crafts 35 Luna Earth Magic 248 Starmist Candles 90
Catherine Arsaut 138 Lunaris Gemstones 1 Sunshine Designs 37
Celtmania 77 Lydia Jean Designs 70 T & M Leather Goods 33
Charles Reuben Estate 218 Lynda Salmon 203 Tactile Tasmania 196/197
Cheeky Devil Coffee Roasters 124 MA Bruny Oysters 252 Tarts of Salamanca 149
Chelles Jewellery 91 Ma We Glass 267 Tas Leather 19
Christine Kerruish 203 Madras Kitchen 249 Tasmanian Chilli Beer Co 78
Ckart 103 Malano 84 Tasmanian Fashion Land 16
Clark's Berry Farm 260 Marcus Hart Coffee Van 176 Tasmanian Lavender Gifts 287
Classic Leather Company 60 McHenry Distillery 243 Tasmanian Saffron 247
Coal River Farm 122 Meg's Fashions and Accessories 154/155 Tasmanian Small Fruits 43
Coburg & Co Plaza 5 Melissa Baldock Silversmith 238 Tasmanian Souvenirs 230
Cockatool Multi-Tools 186 Mellow Drama Clothing 225 Tasmanian Speciality Timber 258
Correa's Kitchen 293 Memories of Tasmania 313 Tasmanian Tonic Company 185
Crepe Haus Plaza 2 Michelle Evans Art 64 Tasmanian Truffles 59
Crochet by Sammie 21 Milie Organics 212 Tasmanian T-Shirts 92
Culture of Creatives 179 Miss Prince Publications 24 Tassie Tucker 310
Cygnet CNC Designs 17 Missing Tiger Books 144 Taste of Persia 112
Dawdling 82 Molly & Desmond 297 Taylor and Smith Distilling Co 42
Dee Thao 318 Momento Art 50 Temptation Fashion & Accessories 108
Dick and Dora 277 Mongrel Socks 295 The Art of Words Studio 147
Disenchantia 236 Moopoo Interloco 18 The Copper Pot 290
Dolly Designs 145 Mountain Peak Photography 140 The Dog House Bakery 110
Dragonfly Designs Tasmania 296 Myrtle & Me 277 The Earring and Leather Bag Shop 133/135
Duggan Brand Apples / Huon Valley Juice Co 171 Native Natura 311 The Forest Adorned - Botanical Jewellery 280
Edwoods 272 Naturopathic Alchemy 142 The Fudge A'fare 104
Ekko Glass 187 Necessary Objects 36 The Gift Station 210
Elliot My Dear 219 Neng Yang 317 The Hobart Bead Co 273
Elly’s Gourmet Confectionery 285/286 New Norfolk Distillery 152 The Juice Box 265
Emma Hope Retro and Vintage 274 Nicky River Uggs 206 The Juice Van Plaza 8
Equality Tasmania Inc 140 Nitchi Design 208 The Meringue Bar 97
Essey's Opals 255/256 North Huon Apiary 146 The Olde Spikey Bridge Peanut Butter 174
Far a Head 233 Nougat 27 The Westerway Raspberry Farm 102
Federation Chocolate 106 Oatlands Nursery 51 The Wool Stall 74
Fernihurst Cherries 11 Old Kempton Distillery 292 Thick as Thieves Cookies 188
Fork & Spoon Jewellery 159 Olive & Ash 45 Tiger Ina Papera Unique Woodcraft 289
French Illusion 80 Oriental Hutt 123 Timber Art 217
Fruit Leathers and Homemade Cakes 93 Original HONK Mustard 79 Todd Leale & Louise Stevenson 94/95
Funky Pickle 66 Original Oven Baked Potatoes Plaza 4 Tony & Helene Trivett 177
Gai Anderson 130 Out the Back 158 Top Nosh 264
Galactic Burrito 221 P Chen Trading Co 73 Touchwood Farm 143
Gillespie's Ginger Beer 264 Pacha Mama Plaza 1 Toys to Enjoy 279
Grant Medwin 271 Pampersweet Soap Cakes & Beauty Products 302 UD Art Works 182
Gravestone Records & Audio 253 Pansy, Fern & April Dolls 99 Urban Bounty 3
Grizzly Hatters 54 Penna Valley Farm 326 Venus Confectionary 119
Gusto One 34 Penny Geard 269 Vietfinn Silk 40
Hartshorn Distillery 83 Persia's Pantry 244 Viking Cones 167
Hartzview Vineyard 28 Pili Pala Pieces 294 Vintage Prints 241/242
Hats on Salamanca 281/282 Pink Buns Plaza 7 Waddle & Wombat 57
Hazelbrae 178 PJ Paintings 30 Walter and Roslyn Rupenovic 303
Headless Nation 259 Pocket Curries 262 Waltham Abbey 291
Hellfire Bluff Distillery 128 Pocket Picnic 276 Watercolour Painting 267
Henk Berg Leather 213 Popglass 263 Wendy Wells Handmade 142
Henna by Devika 224 Provenance Growers 204 When The Ocean Awakens 202
Henry Pumpworth 169 Puggle Coffee 266 Whimsyland 148
Henry Van Der Staay 150 Puppy Parking 319 Why Dogs 181
Heritage Honey 283 Pure Oils of Tasmania 39 Wild Pepper Isle 9
Hilltop Handmade 179 QT Mercantile Pty Ltd 240 Wild Type 89
Hive & Cob 81 Rachel Kyle Coffee & BBQ 254 Wombat Hill Jewellery Designs 288
Hmong Veggie 323 Rachel McCulloch 275 Wood on Salamanca 137
Hobart Belts 41 Rainkoat 250 World of Kawaii Gifts 10
Hobart Food Co 67 Rapid Eye Books 194 Xai Xiong 320
Hobart Imaging 58 Rare & Beautiful 180 Yer Xiong 321
Honeymoon Your Self 188 Recycle Creative and Buttongrass 193